Photos of Boy Capel are rare so it is interesting to come across one we may have missed. The pictures below are of Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel's first boutique in Deauville circa 1913. In one of the pictures she is standing at the door of her boutique between her sponsors Boy Capel seated on the left holding a cane and Etienne Balsan to the right. Another picture, at first glance, appears less interesting because the boutique is partly obscured by the crowd of pedestrians on the street. A closer look at the photo however reveals more than first meets the eye.

In this photo only two people are posing for the photograph - Coco Chanel at her door and Boy Capel to the right.
The crowd on the street are apparently unaware that a photo is being taken except for a child who appears to have just noticed the photographer to the front of the picture and two people who are standing still, looking towards the camera - the two people who are aware of the camera appear to be Coco Chanel standing at her door, and none other than Boy Capel to the right of the crowd looking dapper wearing his hat at a jaunty angle and his bow tie and pocket handkerchief which match well with the previous photo.